ARGuard™ premium AW hydraulic fluid.

Product details

# 7380

Grade: ISO VG 32

Packaging sizes: Bulk 315 gal Tote 55 gal Drum 5 gal Pail

# 7381

Grade: ISO VG 46

Packaging sizes: Bulk 315 gal Tote 55 gal Drum 5 gal Pail

# 7382

Grade: ISO VG 68

Packaging sizes: Bulk 315 gal Tote 55 gal Drum 5 gal Pail


ARGuard™ premium AW hydraulic fluids are designed for all modern, high-pressure hydraulic power systems used in construction and stationary industrial equipment. They provide excellent anti-wear protection, oxidation, and corrosion inhibition, as well as foam and aeration suppression.


ARGuard™ premium AW hydraulic fluids are most commonly used for hydraulic fluid systems with vane-, piston-, or gear-type pumps. These fluids are to be used in applications where long life and premium quality are required.

Features & benefits

  • Good oxidation stability – provides long oil life, in excess of 4,000 hours
  • Excellent anti-wear properties – limits wear in pumps promoting longer componentry life and reduced operation costs
  • Rust and corrosion inhibitors limit degradation of yellow metals and steel

Product inquiries.

For more information about our quality petroleum products or to request a sample, please fill out the product information request form. We look forward to working with you to better understand your business needs.

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